Thursday, October 26, 2017

Strong Women

 I kid you not.  This is exactly what my female  witness answered in her deposition from an injury accident.
Q..   Ma'am, have you ever in your life suffered any injuries?  
A.     No.  I was not complaining of anything.  I was as strong as a horse.  


This was pulled from my archives of reporting experiences.   My personal comments are in
parenthesis, but don't worry.   I take them out during the editing process.  They're random
thoughts from my head, but I share them here. This one is just pure craziness.   Life, you
just can't make this stuff up.

"Q.     During your employment with the Medical Examiner's Office have you ever been
 A.     Yes.
 Q.     For what?
 A.     Released the wrong body to the wrong funeral home."
          (Okay.   That's not good.)