Wednesday, August 17, 2016


NOTE:   This is a blog of actual testimony taken by this court reporter during her career as a court  reporter.  

(Closing argument of plaintiff counsel in civil injury case)

     PLAINTIFF COUNSEL:  Now, as to the amount and how to do it.  He's right.  I told you in opening that this would be a significant dollar amount, a significant dollar amount.  And the way I knew that was because we start here and then we go down that list.  And you can put a dollar amount by each one of those items or you can do the common sense thing and multiply this number, whatever that number is, by three and come to your number.  That is the way to make the calculation.  That will present justice in this county and it will send a message that people can't hire fancy pants lawyers to come in here and defend --

     DEFENSE COUNSEL:  I'm going to object.

     PLAINTIFF COUNSEL:  -- a no defense case --

     DEFENSE COUNSEL:  Your Honor?

     PLAINTIFF COUNSEL:  -- when there is ...

     THE COURT:  I'm sorry?

     DEFENSE COUNSEL:  I object to him calling me a fancy pants lawyer.

     PLAINTIFF COUNSEL:  Well, he's pretty good-looking anyway.

     (To defense counsel.)  Huh?  Is that okay?

     DEFENSE COUNSEL:  (Slumping back into his seat.)  Well, well -- thank you.


"Um, They Just Said That?"

NOTE:   This is a blog of actual testimony taken by this court reporter during her career as a court  reporter.  

Q. When she dropped you off, was anybody at your house?
A. No.
Q. Okay.  So when she dropped you off, you were the only person there?
A. Right.

                                                       *  *  *